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Latex vs Memory Foam
Latex or Memory foam? Which one is better? With no doubt, the answer is Latex. Why?
1: Latex mattresses are healthier. Memory foam is a 100% chemical material while genuine latex is a 100% natural and organic material.
2: Body impressions appear much faster and deeper in memory foam mattresses compared to latex mattresses.
3: Latex offers better air circulation around your body due to you sinking deeper into memory foam mattresses.
4: Memory foam is a temperature-sensitive product meaning in summer (when it is warmer) it gets softer and in winter it gets firmer. But heat won’t affect the softness/firmness of a latex mattress.
5: Memory foams lose their squishable feel after a few years. From there, they become just like regular soft foam. But latex keeps its quality and feel for a relatively long period of time.
6: New research suggests your body heat might trigger the release of potentially harmful chemicals from memory foam. This isn’t a concern in Latex.
7: Many feel stuck when laying on a memory foam mattress. But latex keeps you on top of the mattress; therefore it is much easier to roll over.
8: Memory foam becomes hot. That is why foam companies infuse gel or copper into memory foam to cope with this problem. Latex is more breathable and cooler at night.
9: Unlike memory foam, latex mattresses are suitable for romantic activities.
Most frequently asked questions:
Q 1) Does a latex mattress mean a full block of latex with no springs or any other material?
- There are 3 types of latex mattresses: A) a full block of latex with no other material B) A block of latex on a pocket spring C) A layer of latex is used as the comfort layer right on top of the mattress in combination with other materials.
Q 2) Does the infusion of gel or copper into memory foam make it really cool?
- It helps a bit.
Q 3) I am a hot sleeper. Will it get hot on a latex mattress?
- Latex is the most natural, breathable, healthy material to sleep on. Therefore, you as a hot sleeper are very less likely to get hot on a proper latex mattress.
Q 4) So why is not everyone making, selling, and buying latex mattresses then? Why are memory foam mattresses still used?
- Latex is very expensive and difficult to acquire (due to limited latex manufacturers in the world). There is also a long waiting period for mattress manufacturers to receive their latex from latex manufacturers. In comparison memory foam is a much cheaper product, and is super easy to acquire (as there are plenty of local suppliers). It takes only 48 hours for mattress manufacturers to receive their memory foam from foam manufacturers. For these reasons, mattress manufacturers (especially volume makers) prefer to make, promote & sell memory foam mattresses rather than latex mattresses.
Q 5) Does that mean no one likes memory foam mattresses?
- No, that is not correct. Some people like the unique feel of memory foam. If the disadvantages mentioned above are not of concern to you, you may want to try memory foam mattresses.
Q 6) I have heard latex mattresses get hot. What is the story?
- It is extremely rare someone gets hot on a genuine natural & organic latex mattress. If you were told latex gets hot, it could have been in one of the below situations:
If a salesperson has told you, it is because they want to push you towards memory foams.
If a friend/family member has told you that they had a latex mattress and they found it hot, it is because the mattress was made out of synthetic latex and not genuine & natural latex. Or their mattress had a tiny layer of latex somewhere in the middle of the mattress under heaps of foam & polyester layers. Or it is one of the extremely rare cases where customers get hot on the mattress with no explanations.
Q 7) What to look for in a latex mattress?
- Look for the quality of the latex (who has actually made the latex?). Is the latex genuinely natural & organic? Is the mattress cover (outer fabric) polyester-free? Does the outer fabric have polyester in quilting? If the mattress has a layer of latex as the comfort layer; is the latex layer right on top or is it buried between heaps of foam? What is the thickness of the latex layer?